Saturday 2nd June
Well, it was my birthday BBQ/party/night out thing on this day. Seems so long ago now. (I have been 25 years old for 23 days. Pretty rubbish eh? Being old sucks. Went to a student night last night and I felt ridiculously out of place. I hate it. Anyway…) Had people round about 4ish and we lit up the BBQ. Ally was on cooking duty, and ended up giving Simon Farrell food poisoning with his half cooked chicken. In the evening we went to the Fez club in Reading and listened to some stuff which I was told was good. I just nodded really.
Other than the old E.Coli scares though, it was good fun. Here’s proof:

Monday 4th June
My actual birthday. Didn’t tell anyone at work so got no fuss, and I didn’t have to bring in any cakes. Went out with the family to the Empress Garden in Sandhurst for an all you can eat. Textbook.
Thursday 7th June
Johnny Arrow and the Cheap Day Returns played their second ever gig at Quarantine in Farnborough. It was pretty good, the sound in that venue is nice, and we got a decent amount of people down there. Cocked everyone else off the stage too- we’re so good. Have quite big plans for this band, I’m getting older, it’s make or break time. Keep your ear to the ground towards the end of this year/beginning of next year is all I’ll say…
Saturday 9th June
Went to Bath to catch up with me old mate Razor and his bit of stuff. Chris cooked breakfast:

Had a good weekend, but whilst I was there I missed Adam propose to Becky at her birthday party. Congrats to them dudes, though I know none of my Southern mates read this…
Sunday 10th June
Sank 18 bottles of Champagne between 10 of us to celebrate the aforementioned engagement. Piss turned fizzy.
Tuesday 12th June
Band played at the Cellar Bar. No-one came. Bassads. Got a recording of it though- I will upload it somewhere soon and you can all have a listen. It’s quite good. Set list as below:
1. Feeling Sore
2. I Expect Too Much (String broke- cue 5 min break while I change string on stage. Awkward.)
3. I Believe In You
4. Lights Change to Red
5. One Up On Me
6. Melancholy Sunday
7. Back in the USSR (Beatles cover)
8. Just the way it is
9. You Break My Heart Everyday
10. I Wouldn’t Move to London for You
Tuesday 19th June
Went to ‘Pack Yer Face In 2’ at Po Na Na’s with housemate Ally. It was Lil Kirsti’s end of term celebration thing, and she wasn’t too happy with the turn out. It was awesome though, there were plenty of people there and the music was ace. She played a cracking set, including Chris’s Round the Twist remix. Dogger! I don’t think Ally enjoyed it though- it’s not really his scene. Idiot. Kirsti’s gone to London now, working for Dazed and Confused. Big timer. Good luck to her
Wednesday 20th June
Poker night round the house. Lost £10. First out. Whatev.
Thursday 21st June
Work night out- curry in Bracknell. The food was nice. Work is so bloody rubbish at the moment, there’s a lot of pressure on us and they’re really pushing us to hit some ridiculous targets before month end. I need a holiday.
Saturday 23rd June
Went to Royal Ascot with me close mates. Best day out in a very long time. Got verily verily drunk and I can’t remember anything past about 4pm. Was drinking champers from 9am. I don’t drink anything else now.

So there you are- a summation of my month so far. This weekend I think we’re hitting Reading, hopefully somewhere good, nowhere shit. If we end up somewhere shit I will go somewhere good on my own. Yes. Next weekend of course I’m up in Leeds for Col’s birthday. Can’t wait. It’s gonna be so textbook.
I’m out.
top update, totally worth the wait. can't wait to see you in Leeds either.
Good update, I think you've set the bar on this one.
I promise my next one won't be about programming.
You're coming to Leeds? Thanks for telling me! Fucker.
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