keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Cheap Day Update

Band rehearsal was really good last night. (I hate saying “band rehearsal”, it sounds so lame. I suppose it’s better than “band practise” though. I dunno – ideas please). I introduced four more songs, taking our total repertoire of originals up to 13 now. I could have introduced one more, but I haven’t decided whether it would work in the context of a three piece band or not. It’s a bit miserable and more of a solo style thing. Anyway, the new songs are:

Feels Like Home – A bit of a moany song, for which I am renowned, which is, I suppose, a comment about the fact that going travelling and seeing the world has become so commonplace now that it almost seems out of the norm to not do it. The irony of going and seeing the world but ending up somewhere like Australia, which (apparently) is just England anyway. I’m not against it, or having a go at it, just commenting on it.

I Want to Walk Home Again – A paean (what a great word) to my youth – “that night we drank plenty of mad dog 20/20” – and walking home from school with my best pal. It turned into a bit of an epic actually, with a really nice riff; in a kind of “Fin” by Pavement sort of way – I think it will probably now take over from “I Wouldn’t Move to London for You” as our end-of-nighter

You Didn’t Let Me Know – A kind of rockabilly tune, with lots of snare on it and a good old 12-bar style arrangement. Written a couple of years ago and demo’d, but never used properly. Sounding good.

A Few Requests – The first song that was on the One Up On Me EP from 2006, with new words and a decent arrangement. It’s gone a bit sleazy and is a bit of a laugh, most of my songs are a bit miserable so I thought I’d write one with a bit of an upbeat thing to it. I don’t know how Geoff (drummer) felt about this song, as he didn’t respond to it as much as he did the other three, but I like it so fuck it. Words are below:

Can we go back to what we were saying before please?
We’ve gone off the topic a little since you took off all of your clothes
You’ve got a way of distracting me so very completely
Please put your knickers on so we can start all over again

Don’t be difficult, don’t be difficult
I’m bored of thinking about this

Where were we now? I’ve lost my train of thought
Please don’t do that to me, there’s a time and place for everything
Oh forget it, you’ve made me feel like an idiot
Come and lay down with me and we’ll start all over again

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