keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Plans for the Weekend

Went to bed last night at about 10pm after my run, and fell asleep pretty much straight away listening to Modern Times by Bob Dylan. Really is a great album. Woke up at 8am this morning, half an hour late, and had to rush around to get into work on time as I had to interview somebody at 9.15. Made it with 5 minutes to spare, but the candidate was faced with the picture of a slightly sweaty, still half asleep interviewer. Lovely stuff. He was quite good actually, and we offered him the job temp to perm, but he turned it down. Maybe because of my lack of professionalism. Maybe not though.

So this week’s dragged like anything, seems to have taken ages to get to Friday. A big oil tanker of a week. Should be fun now though as in about 45 minutes I’m heading off to Bath for a couple of nights out over there. When I get back on Sunday I need to run again, but I’m stepping it up – running from Winnersh Triangle station to home, which is about 4 and a half miles. Considering I have to run 13.2 miles in 7 weeks, I’m a bit worried, but I ran my usual 2.75 miles yesterday through the university and found it oddly satisfying and ‘easy’. (Easy in a way that I didn’t feel like being sick all the way along it). So I have to step it up a notch again. Building up to running from Bracknell to home in 4 weeks (10.6 miles). Can’t wait.

1 comment:

Woggzeh said...

Sounds awesome, why is it you have awesome times and my weekend goes - saturday - got up, played snooker, got pissed, went to bed, sunday - repeat.