keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Woggzeh Style Stream of Consciousness (with less swearing)

So today is a bit dump, the afternoon is dragging quite badly… I’m doing some mind-numbing jobs at work which have needed doing for a while and I’ve had to bite the bullet and get them done. I can’t seem, at the same time, to drag myself away from Facebook. So my day has consisted of doing stuff I hate and refreshing Facebook every three minutes to see if anyone’s chatting to me. My Facebook obsession has become a bit too much recently, I really should try and drag myself away from it for a bit, maybe have a couple of days off. I love it though, I’ve got in touch with loads of people who I wouldn’t have got in touch with otherwise – I even went away for the weekend with Gemma Smith through chatting to her on Facebook, and I hadn’t even seen her in 7 or 8 years or something. Madness.

I really have the urge to write stuff at the moment, but I can’t seem to get anything of any value out of me. I’ve been trying to write a song for the last few days, but all I’ve done is come up with some decent chord sequences; no words. All I need is a decent first line, and then I can work around it. Any first lines would be gratefully received. I’m going out tonight with work for a meal in Bracknell in a pub called the Yorkshire Rose. I like it already.

There’s a new bar open in Reading called the Mix Bar. I went there on Friday and also last night; it’s really nice, cocktail bar. I’m trying to get a DJ gig there. I spoke to the barman last night and have emailed the owner today. He says to drop a CD off and he’ll have a listen. So that’s a job for this week. Be ace if I get my foot in the door there. Chris Allen and his bro have recently moved to Reading as well, so my weeknights are becoming more exciting. Life is starting to get good again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go get em DJ jegga!

I have some software to help you cheat if you need mix cds...