keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before



The time has finally come, tonight, for Chris Allen’s dream to become a reality. We’ve heard about his plans for world domination now for a good 3 years; how a sushi restaurant was the one fast food gap left in the principalities of Great Britain; how it was healthy, cheap, quick and tasty and how he had spotted a huge money making opportunity and the possibility of creating a whole new franchise. A McDonalds for the carbon considerate, obesity repellent 21st century everyman. Well, ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the night. Sushi108 will be finally opening its doors to the world…well, not the world, tonight is just an opening celebration for friends and family, but you know what I mean.

I remember when Chris came back from travelling many moons ago with a glint in his eye and an idea in his head. I don’t think anyone ever doubted that he would make good on his dream, but equally I don’t think anyone realised it would take so long to get off the ground. There was a feasibility plan to create, projected revenues and costs to be dreamt up, bank managers to brown nose, parents’ fears to quell, and (most difficult of all) a unit to locate. Chris must have been to see dozens of open units in Reading, as well as a good number elsewhere, including Islington and Guildford, and one by one they either fell from favour, or the deals fell through. Ironically, the unit that Sushi108 is now based in was the first unit Chris saw; 18 months after being turned down by the landlord it’s now up and ready for action.

I saw Chris last night when I popped in to say hello. It looked like he hadn’t slept for months, which of course, he hasn’t. Working his arse off gutting and refitting the unit and swimming through reams of paperwork, with the help of his parents and Beehead, his assistant manager. It’s all about tonight though - this is it. This is now Chris’s life, and we’re all very, very proud of him.

Long live the King of Reading.

Oh, and…try the fish.


Unknown said...

How was it?

Arrow said...

Awesome. I was a bit wary of the food, but I just got involved and it was textbook. There for dinner tonight I think :)