keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Shameless Self Publicity

This Saturday (19th) sees the return of Johnny Arrow and the Cheap Day Returns, playing live for the first time since November. We’re playing at the Wilde Theatre in Bracknell, which is a pretty sizable venue (for the likes of us!) and we’re very much looking forward to it.

We’re heading a line up consisting of the Monks of Junk, who play kinda funky rock, and Sell Crazy, who we’ve not seen before, but are reliably informed by their myspace that they “combine rock, punk and pop influences into an energetic and exciting mix”

So there you are, what’s not to love? Jof’s kinda weird stage presence and lacklustre vocal performances, Geoff’s experienced handling of all things percussive and Simon’s startling good looks. A winning combination if you ask me.

Obviously, it’s Chris and Laura’s birthday party on the same night, so fair play if you’re going to that, but if you’ve been (un?)lucky enough to have not been invited, where better to go?

Tickets are £6 if you buy them off Jof or Si, or £8 on the door on the night

Lots of love



Woggzeh said...

Good luck mate, lets hope sell crazy ain't like that band that supported us, Gnome, I'd love to come but I'm off to Chris and Laura's party.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

Arrow said...

A hug eh? GET OFF ME!

Unknown said...

I agree, this blog is likeable and interesting. I wish I got such accolades :(

*hugs Jof*