keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Audience for this shiz is growing by the day. Not exponentially, to be honest, but at the rate of maybe 1 a year. I’m thinking Lawson might be checking this right now. If she’s got an RSS feed set up like my man Bullough then she’ll probably have already read it. You losers. Dedication is what I require. So the show went well last week, we won – happy – delighted- g r e a t s t u f f – this shit is kicking – but I never really doubted it. I think we’re probably up there with the greatest bands of all time. Maybe even THE greatest bands of all time. Not really. Just shitting you. we’re good though. At least as good as, say, shed seven. (shitting you). I don’t know what to say about it. Well my solicitor’s just rung me (how grown up am I? My very own solicitor!) and told me that we have now exchanged contracts on my flat and it’s all ready for completion tomorrow. I am one happy man. A very happy man. I am living in the material world my shizzers, I am happy.

ps. going to manchester tomorrow so no blog for a couple of days maybe


1 comment:

Woggzeh said...

Come on dude, you gotta update, I change my underwear when you do an update, it's like my reminder to change them.