keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


27-28th December

Well it was back to work on Wednesday, which was inevitably melancholic. There’s a new girl started in my department, but I was so low and pissed off at being back at work that I didn’t really speak to her. She probably thinks I’m either boring or unfriendly now, but I’m not bothered about changing her opinion of me too much. It’s weird, I used to really care what other people thought of me, and strove to portray an open and friendly personality, but as I get older I find that it’s only worth making an effort with people who you want something from. Cynical, eh?

I really must start work on the next amplifier ( , but I’m struggling to find the time at the moment. I need to make some more CDs for my DJ gig on Sunday, (I need to learn a couple of songs for the band’s set too- SHIT), and I also have to get my flat in order for the estate agent’s viewing next week. I’m really hoping that he’ll tell me the following things;

- I don’t need to make any changes at all to the décor. Maybe my black and red kitchen will be my Achilles heel here
- He has a load of people queuing up to see 2 bed flats in Finchampstead
- I can get about £650 a month for it

That would be ideal. I know though, that these things are never that simple. I expect that I’ll have to repaint the entire place, that I’ll have to wait until June to get my first viewing, and that £300 a month would be more realistic. Still, one has to embark on these little journeys in order to improve one’s life. I mean, my life is all very nice and that, but I can’t wait for the change of lifestyle that moving in with friends in the centre of a bustling city will bring. I have loved living on my own – I do love it – and I’m so glad that I’ve had the experience for 18 months, but now I’m looking for a bit of banter, a bit of fun and a few more options socially.

I had a day off work yesterday, a Thursday island in the middle of a Wednesday/Friday sea, and didn’t get anything near as much done as I wanted to. I decided against getting my hair cut, as I want to see how ridiculous I can get this big fluff ball on my head looking before I get arrested. I also didn’t manage to clean my bathroom, which I have been planning to do for a couple of weeks now but have never got round to it, and, of course, I didn’t do an amplifier. And I promised Colin the other night that I’d have it done before the end of 2006. Bollocks.

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