keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


Tonic and Gin

Don’t catch me drinking
Don’t catch me drinking you in
Been sat here all night and I'm fading with the light
Sipping my tonic and gin

Someone disturbs you
But it’s not me at your arm
A confident swagger and eyes that can hammer you
Into submission and harm

But I’ve not got the energy
For weeks of chasing you around
Revolving my life around you
Running myself into the ground

Looks like he’s got the energy
And the will to win
Tonight I’m content with second place
Just sipping my tonic and gin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're better off with the Gin anyway. The bitterness of lemon with the tonic is way more pleasing than the bitterness of sitting there lonely.