keeping up with what i'm up to, but sporadically and with less grammar than before


My hair looks funny today, I forgot to do anything with it. Just woke up and left the house without even considering it. Oh well. I’m sat here at my desk at work, munching through a snickers bar and a packet of Worcester sauce crisps. They’re really hitting the spot. You’ve got to mix those savoury and sweet tastes to really appreciate them. There’s something about the peanut taste of the snickers mixed with the tangy Worcester sauce flavour that really works. And the chocolate/crisp combo is good too. Me and Barker had a revelation walking down cold bath road all those years ago, that chocolate coated crisps would sell like bastards. Jen made me some pasta for my lunch today, tuna and mayo and some other stuff, I’m not sure. Looks delicious though. Jenny’s a diamond chef, like some kind of Nigella Lawson talent in the kitchen. But more sexy. I can’t type with these crumbs on my fingers. All greasy. The minibus is booked up, we even have one on standby if someone drops out – I didn’t think we’d do it, but we have. We’ve sold 30 tickets plus, so far, a resounding success – just hope we do everyone justice, don’t let everyone down on Sunday night. We had a rehearsal last night with Will on drums – never met the guy before, but he knew all my jams, and picked up easily led like he’d heard it a million times before. He’s a great drummer, really fits with the sound. Sim’s a great drummer too, just unfortunate he couldn’t make it on Sunday. My bro’s placed really well to save us in these drummer-less times. And will fits the bill. We were laughing because all my songs have the same backbeat, the same rhythm, it was cracking me up last night – it’s all the same. Fuck it. Who cares? They’re good, I don’t mind saying. We won’t let you down on Sunday x

1 comment:

Woggzeh said...

"all my songs have the same backbeat, the same rhythm"

Well Status Quo can't go on forever.